Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Busy Bee!!

Well just as I thought!!! I've been really bad about keeping this blog thing up. Sorry! We just bought a house and I basically go to work, leave work, pick up the kids, drop them off with Grammy, go to the new house, paint, clean, unpack, pick up kids, go home, go to bed...that's been my life for the last 2 weeks or so. I do have good new!! I got a new job at a different school!! I'm soooooo excited!! I'll get to be where I want to be and teach the grade that I really wanted to teach. Now if I can just make it through this school year...ha ha
Hunter REALLY wants a puppy and he asked me today if I would buy him one and it could stay at Grammy and Granddaddy's house. He said they could take care of it and buy all its food. :) I told him if he could get Grammy to do that I'd buy him a puppy...shout I'd buy him one TONIGHT...so I told him to call her and see what she says. I'm sure you can guess???? I told Grammy the puppy could be like that goldfish that Hunter got a few years ago at the carnival...you know the one that is still at Grammy and Granddaddy's...I don't think it will EVER die!!
Ava is SO close to rolling over! She's trying real hard to sit up on her own too!! I want her to just stay this age :( I don't want her or Hunter to ever grow up!!
I've been bad about putting up pictures. Sorry!!! I'll get on it once we get things settled with the house.

1 comment:

  1. I love that age, where they still need you and can hardly do anything and everything is new and calm. :)
