Thursday, September 13, 2012

I know, I know…it’s been almost a year since my last post. Well like I said once school starts it gets real busy around here. Seeing that I’ve left you in suspense since my last post I guess I should tell you if we had a boy or a girl. Say “hello” to Jackson Maywood Carey!


There have been some changes around here. After 11 years of teaching and working my tail off I am now a stay at home mom. It feels so good to be there in the morning to send my kids off to school and to be there in the afternoon when they come home.

It doesn't hurt either that I get to spend the day alone with this handsome lil’ prince.

Don’t you just love the double chin. They are so in style right now.

I do feel some guilt because now my hubby has to work his tail off just so that I can be at home. He’s gone a lot and I feel bad posting some of the fun things I do with the kids. I don’t want him to feel left out. Although, he probably sees my posts and thinks to himself “Better you, than me”.  I really do appreciate everything he does and how much he provides for our family. J

Hunter started middle school and let’s just say I was a psycho worry wart. I was very stressed  about him going to middle school but he didn’t seem the least bit fazed. It was all for nothing since now he comes home everyday saying how much he LOVES middle school and everyday is “the best day”. I can’t tell you how relieved I am and I thank God for making his transition so easy. I didn’t have the best experience in middle school or high school for that matter so of course I want Hunter to have a better time than I did. I’m so proud of him and I think this year is going to be a great year as well! 

Ava is in preschool and this is the first time she’s only gone for a half day. She wasn’t too happy about it at first. The second day of school she told me that we needed to take her nap mat to school so she could take a nap with her friends instead of at home. She now seems to be fine with the fact that I pick her up early every day. I love it because it just means more time I get to spend with her.

Looks like someone is not too happy to be at school. Maybe this is a foreshadowing of what's to come...

Oh and in case you need another dose of double chin goodness with some dimples on the side…

After taking a year long hiatus from spinning I drug myself back to the Y for an exhilarating workout. I was surprised at how easy***(see below for definition) it was and how I almost (using that term very loosely) felt as if I had never stopped. There was a new instructor (not sure how new she was seeing that I hadn’t been in a year) and I really like her!! I’m very critical of my spinning instructors and she passed the test. Nothings worse than sweating your butt off for 45 min to an hour with a horrible instructor with even worse music! At the end of the class she started talking about this blog she follows called 100 Days of Real Food  and I became very intrigued. I looked it up as soon as I got home and I must tell you I could not stop looking at the site. There was a lot of information on there that I was already familiar with as well as stuff I didn't know. I tried some of the recipes out the very next day and so far I’m pleased. The idea of the challenge is to go 100 days without eating any processed foods. Right now I’m easing my, or should I say, our way in to it. Prior to reading this blog I would say our family was living a 60/40 lifestyle…that is 60% Real Food and 40% Processed Food. That may even be a stretch but I would like to think we were eating fairly healthy. There are a couple of reasons I’m going to gradually move us in that direction until we are 100% Real Food.

 ***Spinning in no way shape or form is easy so when I said it was easy I really meant that it wasn't like my VERY FIRST time spinning when I thought I was going to literally fall over and die from exhaustion.

Reason #1: I have a family of complainers and I don’t feel like listening to anymore complaining than I already do. The Complaint Department is maxed out!! Therefore I will trick them by slowly cutting out processed food. 

Reason #2: I know if Jillian Michaels were here or if I was on The Biggest Loser with whatshisname they would make me throw out everything in my pantry but I can’t just throw away money (food) or chocolate so we are going to just eat it. But once it’s gone, it’s gone!

Reason #3: I can’t go off Hershey's Chocolate with Toffee cold turkey! 

Reason #4: The holiday season is almost upon us and you better believe I will be having something with chocolate, sugar and anything else that’s bad for you that I can get my hands on.

Reason #5: Because I’m allergic to diets and I need time to trick myself into thinking this is not a diet.

Wish us good luck! We're gonna need it!!

Carrie xoxo

P.S. So I noticed when I was trying to publish this blog that there are parts where the font changes. I have no idea why it's doing that because when I typed it up everything was in the same font. Hopefully soon I'll figure this all out!