Monday, January 28, 2013

I have a habit of starting something and not finishing. It's kind of a running joke among my family. A few years ago I had a friend who made baby blankets. I thought they were really cute and looked easy to make so I went out and $100 later had everything I needed to start my booming business of selling baby blankets. I made ONE blanket...ONE. My next venture was beading...that lasted about 2 hours. I bought a violin with the hopes of playing again and maybe trying out for the Symphony. It's amazing how squeaky you sound when you haven't played in years! There's a pink paintball gun somewhere in my attic back when apparently I was trying to give people the impression that I was a bad ass chick. I got shot in the ankle and haven't used it since. This blog is another hobby that I've attempted. You can see how well I've managed this one. I'm sure I've left a few others out but as you can see there have been so many it amazing I can even keep track.

My latest hobby that I've been dabbling in over the last few years is photography. By NO MEANS do I think I'm good but it's the one thing I've actually come back to over and over again. I decided that I needed to make small goals in order to keep this particular hobby alive. I've been working really hard lately trying to learn how to actually use my camera as well as how to use editing software. My plan is the better I become at taking pictures than the better I'll be at keeping up with this blog. We'll see if that theory works ;)

Since becoming a SAHM, or as my hubby calls me "Sit at Home Mom" (huh, let's see him spend a day in MY shoes), I've been really trying to take advantage of the time I have with the kids. I follow a blog called Play at Home Mom and I LOVE it! I think their philosophy on how kids learn is awesome and I really want to incorporate the same ideas with my own children. My background is in education and I have a LOT of materials that I've collected over the 11 years I taught. The kids have had a great time "playing" with my teaching stuff and they keep asking me to bring out more. At least all that money I spent on teaching materials isn't going to waste ;) I took some pictures of some of the activities that the kids have been doing.

Here's Jackson experiencing the color orange. I chose a color and pulled out all the toys I could find that were the color orange. Anytime he picked something up I mentioned what the object was and the fact that it was the color "orange". Ava had fun being his teacher ;)

Ava building with my Base 10 blocks. She's making a picnic table in this picture. She has spent hours over the last few days building with these blocks. Even Hunter (my 12 year old) wanted to play with the blocks.

I didn't take a picture of it but I also gave them a bath and put food coloring in it to make the water orange. The kids LOVED it!
**I gave Jackson and Ava a bath...Hunter would die if I even came into the bathroom while he's in there!

Anddddd so you also can see some of my photography skills (Ha!!!) here a few pics I've taken recently. I used Lightroom to edit them. Please don't laugh at my watermark...I'm learning :)

Hopefully this hobby won't become something else to add to my list...